La rentrée après les vacances

Cartoon of kids walking to school with their backpacks

Below are a few phrases to set you up at the school gates after the summer holidays! It can be tricky making small talk,  I understand, but if you want to learn French, remember there is no better way than practicing in situations like these. It’s a great way to help you gain confidence and fluency. 

On y va…. Let’s go!

Vos vacances se sont bien passées? – Were your holidays good?

Vous êtes allés où? – Where did you go?

On est allé/parti **** en vacances – we went to **** on holiday

On n’est parti que quelques jours – We went away for just a few days

On n’est pas parti – We didn’t go anywhere

On est resté par là – We stayed around here

C’était super! – It was great!

ça s’est passé trop vite! – It went too quickly

On a passé de bonnes vacances – we had a good holiday

Il a fait très beau – it was lovely weather

Il n’a pas fait très beau – It wasn’t great weather

Il a fait mauvais – It was bad weather

On était bien en vacances – we were happy on holiday

C’était bien de partir un peu – It was good to get away

Ca faisait du bien de changer l’air – It was good to get a change of scenery

**** (name of your child) (n’) avait (pas) trop envie de rentrer à l’école! – **** was (wasn’t) keen on coming back to school!