To throw in the towel /give up

Oui, “je donne ma langue au chat”! This popular French expression is how you say “I give up/in” or idiomatically in English, “Throw in the towel!” (when you don’t know the answer to something). 

It’s origin is steeped in history and comes from a certain Mme de Sévigne, in her 17th century letters. Formerly the expression was “Jeter sa langue aux chiens”. Thus indicating that the tongue had no value and was only good for dogs. The expression was then blended with another popular idiom concerning cats: “Mettre quelquechose dans l’oreille du chat”, which insinuated something that was to be kept secret. The cat was represented as being the keeper of secrets and the animal of “golden silence” who knew everything. The migration of the expression from dogs to cats meant that it evolved to mean that your tongue did not know the answer and you needed help from another to discover the answer!